My Life as A Tea Leaf

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Tea Expo 2006, Serdang, Malaysia

It has been a while since I've written, sorry guys! ...

Between 17 and 26 Nov was the Tea & Coffee Expo in Serdang, Malaysia, with a bookfair thrown. This was held in Mines, a resort region in peninsular Malaysia.
Had a difficult time getting there, despite directions given by friends and relatives, but I was glad to have finally located it! The Tea & Coffee (what coffee?! There were less than 3 coffee selling stalls there!) Expo was held - if my observation was right - at the LOBBY to the expo hall, where the bookfair was; but it has drawn to it some powerhouse players in the field of pu'er, and interested pu'er drinkers from afar.
The stalls were arranged along the rectangular lobby, and although it was a Tea & [Coffee] Expo, in reality, I would guess that 95% of the stalls there were offering pu'ers in all shapes, sizes, and factories.
The moment I walked into the expo, I was pulled into a stall by a friend and introduced to a Mr Huang Chaunfang (黄傳芳) who is a master tea roaster. Had a good time discussing roasting and effects on food, and along the way made other new friends, a Phoenix cable station executive, another media executive from Shanghai, and an artist who wrote me one of the tenets of the philosophy of tea.

天蘊茶, 人製茶, 地育茶
The highlight of this year's Tea Expo is perhaps the launch of the first english book on pu'er by Chan Kam Pong, an avid pu'er drinking and collector from Hongkong. This is undoubtedly a good news for the non-chinese speaking pu'er lovers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There seems little doubt, in our own history, that it was the real General Pierce who shed tears when the delegate from Lawrence explained to him the sufferings of the people there--and only General Pierce's double who had given the orders for the assault on that town, which was invaded the next day.. I think I can promise you an agreeable evening, as I expect some very delightful people, with whom I shall be most happy to make you acquainted.. He was lying in his little coffin, his hands folded: there were candles all about, and, in short, it was just like the time of little Otto's death, which shocked me so profoundly.. It was a pretty, delicate, dainty dress, a graceful, narrow-striped affair.. After breakfast, it was the custom of the male half of the Jacobus household to go around the corner of the building and smoke their pipes and cigars where they would not annoy the ladies.. I grant that it was more harmonious with her superb beauty and her rich attire.. All the qualities which we esteem in our mental operations, and which distinguish these as complicated activities of a high order, we find repeated in the dream thoughts.. I found Simon Wheeler dozing comfortably by the barroom stove of the dilapidated tavern in the decayed mining camp of Angel's, and I noticed that he was fat and bald-headed, and had an expression of winning gentleness and simplicity upon his tranquil countenance.. As I have often repeated, the theory of the anxiety belongs to the psychology of the neuroses.. You zee, said he, it iz te bess vor zit still; and now you shall know who I pe.. Deacon Hawkins overtook me on the way here, and here said I had simply got to go sleigh-riding with him.. As for myself, I have been actuated solely by the conviction that in the explanation of sexual dreams I should be bound to entangle myself deeply in the still unexplained problems of perversion and bisexuality; and for that reason I have reserved this material for another connection.. We had just finished hearing these lessons when you arrived. We must therefore make all due allowance for Master Horner, who could not be expected to overtop his position so far as to discern at once the philosophy of teaching.. Bueuer in our Studies on Hysteria , 1895, and 2nd ed.. I can only take these circumstances into account by admitting that these thoughts are actually part of my psychical life, possessing a certain psychical intensity or energy.. A look is sufficient for them.. I'll write you out a check at once, and Mr.. And I must say that they have in every way profited by the education we are giving them.. The child having been shaken up hard (two or three others helping Christopher), rubbed his eyes and began to whine...

9:39 PM  

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